is the founder and director of MY-organization and the creator of MY-etool. He studied Law and Economics in the Netherlands and sought to discover a different and new approach of Life Science and Psychology.
He combined Western and Eastern disciplines regarding people’s health, happiness and success. He consulted many masters all over the world in order to find the common denominator of all human issues which are humans themselves. That’s why he created the self-management tool of MY-etool as a form of self-assessment on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.
His focus is directed to the mastery of happiness and success on the level of individual functioning as well as on the quality of groups and teams. Part of his personal life in Thailand are Mantak Chia and Jon Ashley Weston who he met in great friendship some twenty years ago while building the Taoist Training Facilities at Doi Saket, Chiang Mai.
Doing so, he came to be part of the Wu Chi Foundation and the sacred meditation mountain for the transformation of global consciousness and Immortal Ascension through personal meditation and Chi Kung practices.