Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs) on the Tao
(Answers are personally written by the Professor from his 30 years of Research, Study, Teaching and Practices) Please click of the FAQ subject to see the answer to the question.
The Tao is the natural flow of the universe. It is what makes everything move. The Tao is the Life Force in everything that we touch, see, smell, hear, and taste. It is the Way the river flows, the sun glows, the wind blows, the tree grows, and the Way a seed becomes a rose. The Tao is in the air we breathe. It is the very breath that gives us life and the Life Force within us. You cannot describe or define it; you can only experience and feel it.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te ChingPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Literally the word Tao means “the Way”, the natural way of the universe. It is symbolized by water and the flow of water. The way of the Tao is to learn how the water or river flows and flow with it. The Taoist say, “The river flows in one direction. You can either swim against the river, which causes pain, suffering or death, or learn to flow with the river. But no matter if you swim against the river or learn to flow with it you are still going down that river. So if you are really smart you learn to flow with the river and put your feet up and enjoy the ride”.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
The word Tao is pronounced “Dao”. When the English came to China to set up their business two hundred years ago, they started to try to spell the Chinese words in English and misspelled them. Pin King is really pronounced Beijing and the Tao is correctly pronounced Dao with a da instead of a ta. When the Communists took over China in the beginning of the twentieth century they started to change the Chinese English back to their pronunciation and many authors changed over. We at the Universal Tao Publications decided years ago to stay with the original spelling (Tao instead of Dao and Chi Kung instead of Qi Gong etc.) mainly because of Master Chia’s last name, Chia that is like “Chi” instead of “Qi”. Chi is energy, which is one of the key words in our practices.
The Sacred Meditation Mountain is an Energy Vortex created by the natural elements of the isolated mountain and Five Element Pakuas (Water 15’ in Diameter (Granite), Fire 25’ in Diameter (Bricks) with Fire Pit, Wood 35’ in Diameter (Railroad Ties), Earth 45’ in Diameter (Rammed Earth), and Metal 55’ in Diameter (Slate Stone) that are designed on five different tier levels from the creek up a thousand feet of mountain cliff. The design will draw in the Universal Forces (Father Energy with Sun, Stars and Planets) and Earth Forces (Mother Energy). This vortex is needed for the higher-level meditations of the Immortal Tao to transform the physical body into the spiritual body. This mountain has the correct Feng Shui with the mountain serving as the “Protective Dragon” and mountain creek and streams as veins channeling Chi or “Dragon’s Breath”. This high mountain at the rear is flanked to the West by Yin (Fierce White Tiger) hill and to the East by Yang a slightly higher (Azure Dragon) hill and in front, a low foothill that is the sexual union of female and male (Yin and Yang). The hidden valley of this mountain is in a U-Shape protecting the center and facing south.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao
What makes these books and booklets so unique and different from other books or Taoist’s books is the pictures (book illustrations), thousands of them throughout all the Universal Healing Tao Books and Booklets, and the text explanation of the practices is all based on Western science and anatomy. When we think, we think in holograms (pictures). When we see the written word we have to convert it in our minds to a hologram so we can think. Have you ever heard of the expression, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? That is it. So why does not everyone else use illustrations to explain the concepts, theories and understandings of the Tao or anything? It is too much work and too costly to do it except for the Universal Healing Tao. Why? We understand the importance of how to explain the unexplainable (The Tao); the only way to do it is through pictures, so everyone can understand the Tao by not having to convert the words into pictures. We give you the pictures in the books. How can we afford to make all those illustrations? We cannot nor can anyone else but our publishing operations is located in Thailand where the labor cost for artists and computer personnel are minimal to nothing (I am the Master of Nothingness) so the non-English speaking Thai staff produce illustrations in English to explain the Tao. Plus, we have Master Chia’s background in Christian thought and western anatomy that he originally studied in his quest to be a western medical doctor, which his son eventually did. I will give you an example. When I originally in 1991 published my Chi Cards Level I in the states it took six months and $5,000.00 just for the set up to print them. When I moved in 1994 to Tao Garden in Northern Thailand and found a printer in Chiang Mai to print them and to set up the following five decks. The printer did the set up for nothing and it took two weeks to complete each level as I worked with his non-English speaking Thai staff. So we did the same thing with the books and that is why we were able to produce over fifty western books on the Tao and its Way with twenty more to go to complete the Universal Healing Tao System. We would have never been able to do that in the west; it would have taken us $10,000 per book for the set up for 50 books ($500,000) and two years per book (100 years) and that is why nobody else tries. We figured out a formula of how to make it work. Remember, when you slow down the mind (meditation) everything becomes clear.IT Books & Downloads:
Universal Healing Tao Formulas, Taoist ShamanPractice Summaries & Downloads:
UHT Instructor’s Handbook, Instructor’s Manual, Hundred-Day Program, and Universal Healing Tao PassportChi Cards:
Levels I, II, III, IV, V, & VI.
The booklets are a condensed version of the Universal Healing Tao books focusing on the formulas themselves without any of the background data and text that is included in the books. This gives you a clear step-by-step approach to the Universal Healing Tao practices using the formulas by themselves.
The Taoist formulas are designed to prepare us for the next life. The only thing you take from the earth plane to the next realm is what is inside of you, your consciousness whether you are aware of it or not. Western science has proven that you cannot destroy energy; you can only move or transform it but never destroy it. There is an energy inside you that keeps you alive; you can feel it – it is you. You can call it whatever you want: spirit, soul or consciousness as many religions do call it but it cannot be destroyed. When it leaves your physical body your physical body dies; this is the death that most people believe but you are not dead. It is the energy that keeps the physical body alive and only leaves when it cannot exist in the physical body because of disease, accidents, poisons (drugs), or emotional imbalances (fear and shock). Amazingly, when you were young you felt it inside you and the older you get it still feels the same but your body does not because the physical body is temporal and what you feel inside yourself is Immortal. It has always existed with no beginning or ending: only transformation. Now, what the Tao does is teach and train you how to cultivate this energy inside your body for your eternity and afterlife experience. The more you cultivate your internal energy here on earth the more you take with you. For myself I do not understand why everyone does not spend most of their time here to cultivate their internal energy because that is the only thing you take with you. You do not take the cars, houses, businesses, jewelry, gold, entertainment, or relationships with you; you take only the memories (Soul Body) and so why spend all your life’s energy and effort working to obtain them when you cannot take them with you. The Tao teaches you how to focus internally to cultivate this energy. All external activities are just a waste of time because they all disappear and they never last. Look what you did forty years ago and is it still there whether it is a business, relationship etc.? No! So why spend all your time in the external world when it is impermanent. It is subject to change and it will change and ultimately it will disappear as you can attest in your own life. By practicing the Universal Healing Tao formulas you will develop your internal energy to become aware of it, balance it, transform it and ultimately, consciously ascend it. And all you have to do to start is focus within and smile down.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Fusion Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Fusion Chi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (16, 17, 18, 19)
The creation of the Universal Healing Tao System has evolved over the last fifty-five years from Taoist ten thousand year old formulas. Master Chia’s research and training from his initial Taoist Master Yi Eng (White Cloud) in Hong Kong 1957 and countless other Taoist and Buddhist Masters perfected and structured hundreds of Taoist Inner Alchemy formulas. These formulas are for the transformation of the physical body into the spiritual body and the ascension beyond the North Star, which is the attainment goal of all the Taoist Inner Alchemy practices. Its Four Inner Alchemy Healing Arts can easily define this system: the Living Tao, Chi Nei Tsang, Cosmic Healing, and the Immortal Tao. Each Healing Art focuses on each one of our bodies (Emotional, Physical, Energetic and Spiritual) with the intention and location of its practice; and they are sub-divided into levels of understanding (Microcosmic Orbit I, II, III; Iron Shirt I, II, III, IV; Healing Love I, II, III, IV, V; Fusion I, II, III, IV; Tai Chi I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII; Cosmic Astrology I, II; Chi Nei Tsang I, II, III, IV; Cosmic Healing I, II; Kan & Li I, II, III; Immortal Tao I, II, III) with supporting formulas within the sub-divisions. The Living Tao (Emotional Body) can be practiced in our normal living environment with family, business and religion. You do not have to leave your normal life, creed, occupation or family. The Tao is not a religion; it is a practice of individual self-discovery so whoever you are, you can continue and you will simply be better at it. The Tao is how the river flows, how the sun glows, how the wind blows, how the tree grows, and how a seed becomes a rose. It is in everything that moves or does not move. The only way to understand the Tao is to feel it. The only way to feel it is to practice it and the only reason you practice the Tao is because it feels good. The Taoist practices teach you how to breathe, sleep, urinate, defecate, sit, stand, walk and exchange sexual energy in harmony with the natural flow of the universe. Every function of your life is affected: how you see, taste, hear, smell and feel. The Universal Healing Tao System shows you a step-by-step process to achieve these daily human activities through its Taoist formulas. Everything starts with a thought and that thought is an energy vibration that energetically manifests everything in the universe and our lives. The Universal Healing Tao focuses on that energy vibration on a subtle level through its formulas for transformation and manifestation. Chi Nei Tsang (Physical Body) is a hands-on healing practice from a UHT practitioner and by yourself. Cosmic Healing (Energy Body) works to heal yourself and others directly from the Universal Healing Energies (Heavenly, Earthly and Atmospheric Forces). The Immortal Tao (Spirit Body) is the highest form of Inner Alchemy, which for true success you need to be isolated and totally detached from all earthly connections. It is usually practiced at the later stages of human life when immediate family, friends and occupations have been completed. These are all the Inner Alchemy practices of the Four Healing Arts changing one substance into another and as you practice you will discover that they are interconnected from the initial practice (Inner Smile) to the next and the last practice (Reunion of Heaven and Man) before conscious ascension (Immortality). No matter how far you get with the system you will feel better, look better, understand more and live longer. Everything you discover through your practices you will take with you energetically beyond this life.
IT Books & Downloads: Universal Healing Tao Formulas
Practice Summaries & Downloads: UHT Instructor’s Handbook, UHT Instructor’s Manual
Chi Cards: Level I, II, III, IV, V, & VI
This is the first formula of the Universal Healing Tao System daily practices, which is the first step into Inner Alchemy with “smile down”. In our society we are continually producing not only physical but also emotional garbage. Through the Inner Smile we can learn to recycle our emotional garbage back into the intrinsic vitality of the organs, which Taoists call “Good Virtue”. We clutter our environment and live amongst our own waste by dumping rubbish in our cities, dumping rubbish in our galaxy. Carrying it around within us and dumping it on each other. Stuffing and suppressing our emotional garbage weighs us down and dumps these negative emotions on others. This only creates disharmony and more negativity. Stifling or dumping our negative emotions simply does not work and only by collecting and sorting out our emotional garbage can we regain control of our lives. Taoist Inner Alchemy is like organic gardening. Recycling Garbage into compost enables us to live a balanced life, transforming our negative emotions into the fruits and flowers of positive emotional energy. People love to see other people smile. You can practice self-smiling. In our society people hide their true feelings from others and themselves. When you practice smiling and experience a nice energy feeling, it’s hard to go back to a sad face. Often we create our own problems, making life a misery instead of the joy it could be. Smiling is a means of communicating with our bodies so that we can fulfill our internal needs. Our organs and glands are energized through the Inner Smile Practice. If the mind and body could be compared to a computer, the Taoists would say that the human brain is like the computer’s hardware, which sorts out information. The internal organs are like its software, which programs the computer’s operation. Without software a computer does not know what functions to perform. The organs generate our virtues and emotions, thereby influencing the decisions we make in our lives by sending information about our emotional states to the brain. Taoists discovered that each organ has a particular negative and positive emotion residing in it. The brain naturally acts to support the organs until we unconsciously disrupt its programming though socialization. When the organs are healthy our decisions can be made well. But it takes time to write a computer program. Many details are involved. The Inner Smile is an easy method of practicing forgiveness and loving yourself. It is a way to transform negative emotional energy into positive life-force energy. When you feel the energy of anger in the liver, smile to the anger and change it to kindness. If there is too much negative energy in the liver, you will feel out of balance. You can either release it from the liver or transform it. Just like smiling into the hate in the heart and transforming it into love and joy. To reach a state of balance we much first develop our inner senses to look and feel within our bodies, and have the ability to communicate internally with our organs and glands. We can learn to study each organ. By careful examination we can transform any negative influences into positive forces. By redirecting the energies around us, we can transform any overflow of negative energies into a positive energy. When we generate joy, happiness and love we create a positive environment. The more joy, happiness and love we generate, the more we gain health, energy and a sense of well-being. When we generate anger, hate and cruelty, the more we create a negative environment. The more anger, hate and cruelty we generate, the more we become diseased, sick and discontented. Negative emotions can only feed and grow negative emotions. This causes disharmony, chaos and illness in others and us. The Inner Smile relaxes and energizes you on your journey through life.
IT Books & Downloads: Inner SmilePractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Inner SmileChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (1)
We like to see other people smile yet we never practice smiling. Society often makes it difficult for people to communicate so simply and beautifully. So as you are walking down the street, you greet a friend with a smile. They smile back and you both feel good. In the Inner Smile Practice we do the same thing internally with our best friends, the vital organs and as a result we all feel truly wonderful.
IT Books & Downloads: Inner SmilePractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Inner SmileChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (1)
Choose a quiet spot that is comfortable, a regular place. Loosen your clothes and sit on the edge of a chair. The genitals of men should be unsupported hanging over the edge. Do not get too comfortable. Smiling Down the Front Line-Functional Channel: Imagine the feelings you would have upon entering a beautiful paradise. Or picture yourself with a loved one, feeling joy and happiness. Lift up the corners of your mouth. Feel the smiling energy forming a golden light gathering before your eyes. Then gently place your tongue near the teeth against the palate. The human consciousness is like a radio receiver, which can tune into any frequencies we choose. The Inner Smile Practice develops our ability to activate and absorb the energies around us. Spiral the golden cosmic force at the point between your eyebrows. Become aware of your soles and feet and feel the mother earth force. Become aware of the crown and feel the universal force come down through the Crown Point. In the Inner Smile the eyes are connected to all the organs and glands. The Taoists discovered that the eyes connect positive and negative emotional energies stored in our organs. We can seek peace and love within us feeling a genuine smile. Move your tongue around to activate the flow of saliva. Swallow the saliva down. Feel the smiling energy relax and flow down the neck, then smile down into the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Let the smiling energy flow into the thymus gland. Feel the thymus expand and blossom like a flower. The thymus gland activates the immune system of the body like training soldiers in your own defense system. Bring the warm, fragrant, smiling energy down into the heart and know your heart. Sense, feel or be aware of the organs. This will automatically tune you to the colors of the organs. The heart is the element of fire, the prospering energy of the summer season. When you are aware of the heart, smile and picture it blooming like a beautiful field of red tulips. Love will find the love in your heart. Hate will find hate and it will grow. Each emotion only recognizes and feeds on the same emotion – love or hate. The color of an organ has a strong healing power over the organ. As you breathe, exhale the murky color. Breathe in red and retain the vibrant red color in the heart; maintain this loving feeling. Of all the treasures of the kingdom none are as radiant and beautiful, as the warm, loving, joyous heart, with a brilliant color like that of a ruby. The heart has the flame of love. The heart’s ruby ring has the power to transform negative emotions. The heart was sitting quietly with his blooming tulip friend. When suddenly the eye alert system sees an act of arrogance that needs to be transformed, the flame of love does its work, transforming arrogance into respect and happiness transforming cruelty into joy, transforming hastiness into patience and discontent into love, hostility transforms into acceptance. With respect you lose nothing but you will eventually gain everything. With disrespect you gain nothing and you will eventually lose everything. When you are arrogant you gain nothing and you lose everything. When you humble yourself you lose nothing, but will gain the whole world. The Tao is being humble. Taoists like to identify with water. Water comes from a higher place, from the sky through the rain to the earth. After, it flows down serving all the living and into the lowest, darkest places, staying quiet and humble. Become aware of the lungs. Smile down into every cell of the lungs. The element of the lungs is metal representing the contracting energy of the autumn season; its color is the pure white of a shining pearl. As you breathe, exhale any murky colors and breathe in; feel every part of the lungs fill with a glowing white light transforming grief and sadness into courage and righteousness. Smile down into your liver. The element of the liver is wood representing the generating energy of the spring season. Its color is the emerald green of an unfolding leaf bud. The liver surrounds itself with emerald green, regenerating itself. As you breathe exhale any murky colors, and inhale the fresh green kindness feeling, retaining the emerald green colors in the liver, and transforming anger into kindness. Smile down into the spleen and pancreas. The spleen is the element of earth representing the stabilizing energy of Indian summer. Its color is the golden glowing yellow of the harvest time. As you breathe out, exhale any murky colors and breathe-in a yellow mist, a feeling of openness and fairness retaining the golden colors of topaz yellow in the spleen transforming worry into fairness, stress into balance. Bring the smiling energy down into your kidneys. The kidney is the element of water representing the gathering energy of the winter. Its color is the cool pure blue of a deep ocean. As you breathe out, exhale any murky colors and breathe in a blue mist, a gentle and soft feeling. Retain the sapphire color of ocean blue in the kidneys transforming the emotion of fear into gentleness. Allow yourself to become aware of your fears. Smile into the Kidneys and feel the Gentleness grow. Smile down to your genitals, the center of your creative power; the sperm palace and the ovarian palace. As you breathe, exhale any murky colors and breathe in a pink or reddish color. Smile and spiral the energy into the navel area.Smiling Down the Middle Line – Digestive Channel: Again become aware of the smiling energy in the mideyebrow, gather and swallow the saliva forcefully. Smile down the esophagus. Feel the smiling energy going down the esophagus. Feel the smiling energy enter the stomach. Relax the stomach and thank the stomach for digesting your food. Smile down into the small intestines. Feel the smiling energy in intestines and thank the small intestines for absorbing the nutrients. Bring the smiling energy down into the bladder, and thank the bladder for eliminating waste liquid from the body. Smile down into the large intestine and thank the large intestine for eliminating all the waste products. Smile down to the rectum and through the anus, thanking them for eliminating the waste. Smiling Down the Back Line – Governor Channel: Activate and gather the saliva and draw the smiling energy into the eyes and the mideyebrow, into the pituitary gland 3-4 inches behind the mideyebrow into the Crystal Room, activating the pineal and hypothalamus glands. Feel them blossom and glow with the light. Feel these glands swell and grow. Smile into the left and then the right hemispheres of the brain to balance and nourish them. Smile down to the Jade Pillow. Smile down into the first vertebra and into the Spine. Smile down and open each point on the spine: C-7, T-11, Door of Life, Sacrum and Coccyx. Lightly rock your spine from the base and feel the lumbar, the thoracic and the cervical vertebrae. Breathe in a white mist, gather it at the coccyx and feel it rise up into the spine pouring into the brain. Exhale out any gray colors, retaining the purity of the white color. Now Smile down each line one at a time: Front Line, Middle Line, and Back Line. Smiling Down all the All Three Lines Together: Now Smile down each of the lines simultaneously by gathering saliva and swallowing down the front, middle, and back lines feeling the smiling energy healing the body like a water fall, or like sunshine glowing down into the body with healing light. Gather all the energy and collect at the navel. Spiral 36 times outwardly and 24 times inwardly, not extending beyond the pubic bone or the diaphragm. Men, spiral clockwise then counter clockwise; women, do the reverse. Daily Practice: Ten to Twenty Minutes-Smile into the eyes, connecting with the Three Universal Forces of the Father Heavenly Violet/Red Energy, Human Cosmic Golden Energy and the Mother Earth Blue Energy. Open the smiling energy of the heart and feel the love, joy and happiness blossoming in the body. Then Down the Front Line: Thymus (White-Immune System), Lungs (White-Autumn-Courage/Righteousness/Justice-Grief/Sadness/Depression), Heart (Red-Summer-Hastiness/Arrogance/Cruelty-Joy/Honor/Sincerity/Humbleness), Liver (Green – Spring-Kindness/ Generosity/Forgivingness-Anger/Aggressiveness), Spleen (Yellow-Indian Summer-Fairness/ Openness/Balance-Worry/Anxiety), Kidneys (Dark Blue-Winter-Fear/ Shock- Gentleness/Stillness/ Gratitude), and Sexual Palace. Then Smile Down Middle Line: Mouth, Tongue, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Bladder, Rectum and Anus. And finally Smile Down Back Line: Saliva, Mideyebrow, Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Hypothalamus Gland, 7 Cervical, 13 Thoracic, 5 Lumbar, Sacrum, and Coccyx. Integrating your Practice in your Daily Life: Smile down anytime when you feel stress or lack of energy. By simply doing the Inner Smile you will feel calmness and become energized at the same time through the Smiling Energy of the Heart.
IT Books & Downloads: Inner SmilePractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Inner SmileChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (1)
This is the last formula of the Universal Healing Tao System daily practices, which is the last step into Inner Alchemy completing your daily practices. The Six Healing Sounds is also the second step in your Inner Alchemy practice to cool the energy down which is the last formula you do in your daily practice because when you work with internal energy you create heat. So with the Universal Healing Tao practice it is a safe, practical way to work with your internal energy. Once you learn these first two formulas you can safely add the next two hundred and forty plus formulas of the Universal Healing Tao System. So you start with the Inner Smile and end your daily practice with the Six Healing Sounds or before you go to bed. You are driving your car down the street and on your dashboard the temperature red light goes on. If you do not stop the car and check the engine what happens? The car’s engine will explode because it has overheated. This is the cooling system in your car and it’s the same in the human body. When you urinate, defecate, yawn, belch or sweat you release heat which is a part of your cooling system in your body. The connective tissue (fascia) around your vital organs absorbs the excess heat and releases it through your skin and digestive tract. If it is blocked through years of improper diet and lack of exercise the vital organs will explode or stop functioning with a heart attack, impaired kidneys or a liver attack because your body’s cooling system has broken down and the vital organs have become overheated like the car. The Six Healing Sounds’ formula activates your cooling system on a daily basis by restructuring the connective tissue to function properly around your vital organs with its postures and cooling them down by releasing the condensed heat with their individual sounds. These organs are vital because without them you cease to function or live.
IT Books & Downloads: Six Healing SoundsPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic SoundsChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (8), (9) & (10)
Your body is a series of Energy Rivers that travel from your vital organs throughout your body to the surface of your skin. These rivers are defined as meridians, acupuncture points, nerve endings or channels that move energy from your vital organs to other parts of your body like the electrical wiring in your house. Through this internal networking these paths can become blocked either from inside the organs or within the networking itself. By simply touching the extremities (skin) of your body you can daily connect and open up your vital organs and any blockages within the networking. Simply by touching and massaging your face, neck, chest, hands, arms, legs, and feet you can daily release any stress or tension within your whole system. You will be able literally to get in touch with your internal vital organs on a daily basis through touchology and by massaging yourself when you feel any tension, which comes from your organs. We live in our unnatural environments with so much stress and tension that we do not realize what is happening in our daily lives: by simply driving a car, financial responsibilities, over light exposure, improper diet, unfit sleeping conditions and lack of exercise stress is created. We need a simple technique to release this buildup of blockages. By daily applying these Chi Self-Massage formulas after our daily practice (long sitting or standing period), or throughout the day, when you feel tension to open the body and vital organs up thus keeping literally in touch with ourselves.
IT Books & Downloads: Chi Self-Massage Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Self-MassageChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (5), (6) & (7)
When we became a fetus in our mother’s womb the connection to our mother was the umbilical cord from her body to our navel and from there we formed our body. The energy moved from there down to the sacrum, up the spine to the crown (Governing Channel), and then down the front of the body (Functional Channel) back to the navel. This is the microcosmic orbit and the energy is still moving or we would not be living; we are just not conscious of it. With this formula we can reconnect ourselves to our physical beginning and become conscious of the internal energy moving in the body. Once we become aware of this movement we can use this flowing energy (light) to heal any internal energy blockage in our body. We can become conscious of this movement by tracing it mentally with our mind’s eye from each of the fourteen points of the orbit by the use small sips of air helping our mind to focus on the energy movement up the spine and down the front of the body. Then by using each point up the spine and its counter point (Navel to Men Ming, Sexual Palace to Sacrum, Perineum to Crown Point, T-11 to Sternum, Wing Point to Heart Center, C-7 to Throat Center and Jade Pillow to Mid-Eye) we can spread the energy across and heal each section of the body with the healing energy (light). After we learn how to feel the internal smiling energy (Inner Smile), cool it down (Six Healing Sounds) and break up any blockages (Chi Self-Massage) then through the Microcosmic Orbit we can feel it move and direct it to heal the body. This is how we learn to move the generated love within ourselves and the abundance of that love within will spread to others energetically across time and space.
IT Books & Downloads: Awaken Light of the Tao and Alchemy of Sexual Energy Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic OrbitChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (4)
The Simple Chi Kung formulas of the Universal Healing Tao awaken the body’s organs and joints for your daily meditation and Chi Kung practices while you are lying in bed to activate your morning bowel movement and opening your body up for your daily activities. Once you get up and relieve and clean yourself you can start in a standing position to open the rest of your body’s joints with the Simple Chi Kung formulas (Bouncing, Foot & Hand Kicking, Knee, Hip & Sacrum Rotations, Waist Loosening, Crane & Turtle, Spinal Cord Breathing, Empty Force, Side Twisting, Windmill, Eye Exercises, Neck, Shoulder, Wrist & Hand Stretching, Palm Slapping, Door of Life Opening, Elephant Trunk Swing, Squatting, Teeth Tapping, Chi Self Massage, Bone Breathing & Laughing Chi Kung). The reason we call these techniques Simple Chi Kung is they are simple movements that anyone can do to release any stress or tensions in the body so you can proceed with your series of Universal Healing Tao practices depending on what level you are at for your self-discovery, your family activities and your life’s work. Simple Chi Kung formulas open up your stiff joints after a deep sleep releasing any tensions (Stagnant Chi) as well as lowering your blood pressure, activating your bone marrow, blood circulation, immune, respiratory & digestive systems and relaxing your nerves, thoughts and any emotional imbalances. These simple movements start the cultivating, circulating, clearing, exchanging, transforming and storing processes in your body as you begin your day and throughout your day if you feel you have any blockages, stiffness, tension or discomfort you just simply smile down and do any of the Simple Chi Kung techniques for relief to that particular part of the body.
IT Books & Downloads: Simple Chi Kung, Art of Cosmic Vision Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Simple Chi KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (7), (8)
The Three Forces of the Cosmos are the Earth Force (Mother Blue Energy of the Earth) used for grounding, healing and cooling, the Universal Forces (Father Violet/Red Energy of the North Star and the Big Dipper) used for guidance, light and warmth, and the Cosmic Human Force (Human Golden Energy on the Atmospheric Level) used for focus, transformation and ascension. These forces are used extensively throughout the Universal Healing Tao practices by drawing them into the body for balancing, rooting, rejuvenation, cooling, direction, vision, warming, concentration, transformation and ascension.
IT Books & Downloads: Fusion of the Five ElementsPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Three Tan TiensChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (4)
To further expand your consciousness we can activate the Three Fires (Tan Tien, Kidney and Heart) into the Three Tan Tiens (Upper (Crown) Mind, Middle (Heart) Mind and Lower (Tan Tien) Mind) through the Microcosmic Orbit. This is the Three Minds into One Mind giving you the “I” Power. Once this is complete we are moving the fortified energy in the Six Directions (Up & Down, Left & Right and Front & Back) by opening your awareness into the Cosmos. By activating the Sexual Energy you are balancing and cultivating this Creative Force for internal transformation (Alchemy) utilizing the Six Directions linking to the Cosmos. This will give you a feeling of buoyancy supported by the Six Directions and the experience of being the center of the universe. We will learn how to harness excess sexual energy and transform it into Chi, or life-force energy. When we circulate the sexual energy in the Microcosmic Orbit, a continuous energy loop that runs up the spine and down the front of the body, we transform it into self-healing energy that can be stored in the organs and the Three Tan Tiens: Energy Centers in the Brain, the Heart Center, and the Lower Abdomen. By learning to open the Three Tan Tiens to the Six Directions, the Taoist practitioner combines Mind Power with the extension of Chi to draw cosmic energy into the body. When we learn to flow in this way with the energy of the Tao, life ceases to be a struggle. This is a continuation of the Microcosmic Orbit activating the Sexual Energy for additional strength then moving this creative energy through the orbit while extending it down through the legs in the Functional and Governing Channels. Then using the Six Direction formula by activating the Three Tan Tiens and Fires to connect with the Cosmos and further expand your awareness.
IT Books & Downloads: Healing Energy of Shared ConsciencePractice Summaries & Downloads:
World LinkChi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (20)
By moving the vital organ energy to the sections of the brain (Kidneys/Blue Chi to Back Left & Right Sides, Genitals/Pink Chi to Center, Liver/Green Chi to Right Side, Heart/Red Chi to Front Center, Spleen/Yellow Chi to Left Side and Lungs/White Chi to Front Left & Right Sides) using the Color Frequency of each organ you are sending the energy out to the universe. In the emptiness of the universe you multiply it. After it multiplies draw it back into the brain. This will charge the brain increasing its thinking power and wisdom by opening it up to Universal Consciousness. When the universe was created eons ago, our collective consciousness manifested a thought and sent it out into the emptiness of the universe. As it hit the emptiness it multiplied forming the universe (Big Bang Theory) like our reflection comes back to us when we look into a mirror. This is how everything is created; by forming a thought and sending it out into the emptiness. We do it all the time with manufacturing blueprints (thoughts) but we are just not conscious of it. We are becoming more conscious of this phenomenon today as our computer technology becomes more sophisticated with its solid-state design (no moving parts). When you expand with consciousness by literally expanding your brain energetically into the universe you are strengthening, building and exercising your brain’s thinking capacity beyond your present thinking; then you are starting to create wisdom which is having the ability to know when to be soft and when to be hard or what to do and what not to do.
IT Books & Downloads: Wisdom Chi KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Wisdom Chi KungChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (2)
With the correct structural body alignment you can root yourself into the earth creating an energetic grounding effect similar to a grounding wire in an electrical outlet socket. With this alignment if you have any excess energy from the Inner Alchemy practices the excess energy will ground itself automatically by daily standing practicing these Iron Shirt Seven Standing postures (Embracing the Tree, Holding the Golden Urn, Golden Turtle Immersing in Water, Buffalo Emerging from the Water, Golden Phoenix Washes Its Feathers, Iron Bridge & Iron Bar). When you align yourself to earth no one can push you around as is demonstrated through the Iron Shirt pushing techniques and root checking exercises; all you have to do is stand five minutes a day to achieve this over a long period of time. Through the Iron Shirt packing technique while in these postures you will build an Iron Shirt body. When you take an egg and put it into an air filled balloon and place that balloon with the egg and air in it into another air filled balloon then place it into a third air filled balloon then throw it against the wall will you break the egg? No. The air filled balloons are buffers for the egg. The egg is our vital organ, the air is the Chi pressure (small inhalations) and the balloons are the connective tissue (fascia) around the vital organs. By simply standing and packing in the Iron Shirt postures 5-10 minutes daily you can root yourself to earth and build a strong body that can live for hundreds of years. When you are rooted no one can push you around physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually (energetically) because they are pushing the earth not you and no one can push the earth around. Why do you need to live hundred years or more? You need that amount of time do the all of the Universal Healing Tao Inner Alchemy practices for your transformation.
IT Books & Downloads: Iron Shirt Chi KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Iron Shirt Chi KungChi Cards: Level I – CC1 (11, 12, 13, 14)
This is the second level of the Iron Shirt Chi Kung practices dealing directly with the growing, strengthening and maintaining our tendons for our structure, posture and personal power. This is the second step in building your Iron Shirt (Temple) to do your Inner Alchemy practices creating the dynamic Spinal Whip Movement, building the Chi Pressure and Tendon Power with your breath from the Earth to Feet to Ankles to Legs (Knees) to Hips (Psoas Muscle) to Spine (5 Lumbers, 12 Thoracic & 7 Cervical) to Scapula to Shoulders to Crown to Chin to Chest to Arms to Elbows and extending through the Fingers. As you exhale your breath into your Tan Tien, Close your Genitals, Pinch your Elbows and Contract your Heart (Like a clenched fist) and at the same time torque your Toes, Heels, Ankles, Legs, Hips, Vertebras, Jade Pillow, Arms and Fingers with the rhythm of the Earth and your Heart Beat then you release (let go of) the Air Pressure; as you inhale your Heart expands and your Tendons release your whole body while it effortlessly moves back to its original position by itself. With the Tendon Nei Kung Eight Standing Positions (Head Level/Middle Fingers, Eye Level/Pinkies, Waist Level/Thumbs Up, Waist Level/Back of Hands, Solar Plexus Level/Pinkies, Shoulder Level/ Middle Fingers, Waist Level/Palms Up and Knee Level/Palms Up) you are build your tendons with the Spinal Whip Breath and clenched fist technique in each position and additionally in the Partner and Wall Practices as well as the Mung Bean Hitting techniques.
IT Books & Downloads: Tendon Nei KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Tendon Nei KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (13, 14, 15)
When you die the only thing left after 2,000 years is your bones. Your bones are crystals and the strongest part of your body. What grows and strengthens your bones is your bone marrow and your bone marrow grows your blood that feeds every cell of the body. So for your health you need to activate your bone marrow to grow and support your bones and blood for your longevity. Through the Bone Marrow Nei Kung practices you can stimulate the bone marrow by hitting your bones (Wire & Rattan Hitting Techniques), breathing into your bones (Bone Breathing & Compassion Techniques) and genital massage and lifting (Sexual Chi Massage & Chi Weight Lifting Techniques) to expand, strengthen and grow your bone marrow. These ancient mental and physical Taoist techniques are used to regrow bone marrow, strengthen the bones, and rejuvenate the organs and glands. Bone Marrow Nei Kung is Iron Shirt Chi Kung III, which builds your bone marrow giving you the third stage for your Iron Shirt Body. This method of absorbing energy into the bones revives the bone marrow and reverses the effects of aging through the techniques of bone breathing, bone compression, and sexual energy massage, which stimulates the hormonal production that helps prevent osteoporosis. These practices are for health and longevity and by doing all of the Universal Healing Tao System you can build your own Immortal Light Body.
IT Books & Downloads: Bone Marrow Nei KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Bone Marrow Nei KungChi Cards:
Level II – CC2 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Chicken Soup is the theory. What is Chicken Soup? You take a chicken and put it in a pot of water and boil it for two h3E
The way to experience and understand the Tao is to feel it. The only way to feel it is to practice it. So the hardest thing about learning the practices of the Tao is finding someone who practices the Tao and is willing to teach you the practices. This is Master Chia’s second greatest achievement, which was creating an international instructor system so you can learn the practices from any one of them all over the world. Find instructors at his website Practice Summaries & Downloads:
UHT Instructor’s Handbook, UHT Instructor’s Manual Chi Cards:
Level I, II, III, IV, V, & VI
Master Chia’s Greatest Achievement is bringing the Tao, its understandings and its practices to the West. You can say anything about him and many have including myself about his teachings, business and personal life but you can never take that fact away from him. He has fulfilled his Taoist Master’s request made to him over fifty years ago of teaching the Tao to the West, which was never done before.Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Tao Garden Student Guide, UHT Instructor’s Manual
Lao Tzu said this, and then he said if you need a name for the force that makes everything alive call it the Tao. But when you say it too often or organize it too much (politically) then it is truly not the Tao.
IT Books & Downloads: Universal Healing Tao Formulas.Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao, UHT Instructor’s Manual
The only way you can teach the Tao is by example of how you live and interact with others. To gain these understandings of how to do that you can teach students of the Tao the Taoist practices. I teach the Tao and choose to use the Universal Healing Tao System of practices to achieve that.IT Books & Downloads:
Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao, UHT Instructor’s Manual
Anyone who studies or practices the Tao is a Taoist. The Tao embraces everyone from any culture, religion, race or political background because it is not a religion. It is a way of life that teaches you how to live, breathe, eat, defecate, drink, urinate, walk, talk, sleep, smell, listen, observe, and have proper sex through its practices. So whether you are Christian, Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, black, white, brown, red, yellow, tall, short, thin, fat, rich or poor you are just a better one with the understandings of the Tao. The Tao goes beyond all religions and systems of understanding leading the universal truth of all beings here and beyond to the path of self-discovery.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
All spiritual paths seek the natural flow of the universe, the Tao. The Tao is one of balance and harmony with everything in the universe. Taoism is a real practice of body, mind and spirit. Not just a philosophy of mind only. When we have the true sense of its meaning, the true knowledge and wisdom, we will be able to make the right decisions in our lives. All spiritual goals lead to the truth of the universe. The Tao is the study of the technology of how to seek the truth of the universe, nature and humans. Its focus goes beyond any one single path or viewpoint. The Tao is not a religion and requires no initiations or ceremonies. The Tao is the outcome of all religions, while it leaves them behind just like the clothing of different seasons and different places. The Tao is the goal of serious science, but it leaves behind all sciences as partial and temporal descriptions of the integral truth. The Taoist teachings are like a master key that unlocks all doors. Taoism includes all religious subjects, yet its breadth and depth go far beyond the limits of religious devotion. The teachings of the Tao assist people in their lives like religions do; yet the Tao transcends all religions while still containing their essence. Taoism explains or demonstrates the truth directly, not on the emotional, thought or belief level. It leaves no room for skepticism or endless searching. Philosophy, science and religions all contain a part of the universal truth, the Tao. The Tao reflects the center of the ultimate truth (you) and helps you to reach it for yourself.IT Books & Downloads:
Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
In the realms of time, mystical schools, religions, governments and now corporations influenced us. They convinced us to give them our time and energy (Essence), for the good of others, but mostly for themselves. They promise they will take care of us or save us. When we give everything to them, we have no time or energy left for ourselves, and in the end we have nothing except their promises. Other systems taught us how to cultivate, and grow our energy like a seed into a tree, but after a while, they told us they need our energy for the good of others, and they convinced us to give them our tree for their own use. And other systems even went further, showing us how to grow flowers from our tree; and after the flowers blossom, they have us pick them only for their beauty and sell them to others. But the Tao teaches us not only how to plant (Root), and grow our seed (Energy or Essence) into a tree, but also how to sexually cultivate and flower the seed to bear fruit, without losing our essence (Original Seed). Our tree (Cultivated Energy) will bear fruit by the hundreds, so we have an abundance to share, and give to others who are sincere and deserving. Now think: in each piece of fruit that we bear, how many seeds are in it to share? So, if we cultivate our original seed in the Tao, instead of giving it away as other systems advise, we can now share thousands of seeds for the good of others, and never lose our original seed (Essence). In this book you will discover the Way of the Tao and how to implement it in your life as you put up your feet and enjoy the ride. Remember there are no original thoughts in the universe, they are either used or misused, and whatever you are seeking in life, it is seeking you. So, sit still and when it comes, join and flow with it.IT Books & Downloads:
Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching |Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Master Chia is Mantak Chia who is a small Chinese fellow with a Christian background having Christian Chinese missionary parents and who loves reading Chinese Kung Fu magazines which is how he got involved with the Tao after meeting his Taoist Master, White Cloud when Master Chia was a teenager in first year in high school. For his four years of high school in Hong Kong two to three times a week this Taoist Master taught little Mantak all of the Inner Alchemy System which fifty-five years later became the Universal Healing Tao System. When Mantak parted from high school he promised to fulfill his Taoist Master’s final request and teach in the West. Twenty years later he did just that first in New York City one-on-one, then later through workshops and weekly retreats in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. Finally in 1993 he set up and built an eighty acres Taoist training facility (the only one of its kind), Tao Garden in Northern Thailand while continuing to do his World Teaching Tours over thirty years now.
There is a professor in all of us whether we are conscious of it or not. This is what the words “The Professor” symbolizes. It is the inner voice that speaks to us non-verbally with a feeling giving us direction in our lives if we can pick the feeling or message up. This inner voice is the Wu Chi (Nothingness) which is the center of all Universal Knowledge located at the Heart Center giving you correct answers for any questions or problems you have or encounter. The focus and purpose of the whole Universal Healing Tao System is to train you how to connect with this non-verbal voice or feeling that will give you the directions in your life. When you slow down the mind through the UHT meditative practices you start to develop a relationship with this all-knowing knowledge and how it expresses itself through a feeling from it. It is the knowing without knowing. When you start to develop ability to communicate with this feeling, you start to understand the Tao and how it works.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao
Master actually means in the East “teacher”, not the same as in the West, which means superior being who has mastered a particular understanding, service or exercise such as a Master’s Degree in college. Nothingness means when in the middle of nothing you are in the presence of all things because everything came from nothing (Big Bang Theory). So Master of Nothingness means the teacher of everything and that is exactly what the Tao is and what it teaches. The Tao teaches you what you need to know as a human living on planet Earth which are the understandings of how to breathe, eat, defecate, drink, urinate, walk, talk, sleep, smell, listen, observe, and have proper sex through its practices. These are the various aspects of life that no one teaches you. These are concepts and techniques that rarely come on a teaching basis from your family or educational institutions especially in the West. IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao
W.U. Wei are the initials and word for wu wei, which is the art of doing nothing. To understand wu wei you cannot give your ego, or monkey mind as the Taoist call it, anything positive or negative. Your ego is a parasite because it lives off your energy, positive or negative. When you resist the ego you give it the power to overtake you and if you support the ego it overtakes you. So what do you do? Wu Wei, you do nothing by not giving it any positive or negative energy. Now this is an art and it takes many years of practice to develop it as the art of doing nothing because when you succeed you will not obstruct the flow of Tao and you will become the Tao. I chose this for my pen name as Samuel Clements chose Mark Twain, another great American author.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao
Wei means artful and Tzu means teacher similar to Lao Tzu, Li Tzu and Chuang Tzu in Taoist folklore. So Wei Tzu means artful teacher, which you need to become to explain, teach and practice the Tao in the Information Age of the Twenty-First Century. Thus, the name is most fitting for a person like myself and my background, practice and training.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao
The Universal Healing Tao System is a collection of formulas and practices gathered from over eight-thousand years of Taoist teachings passed down from teacher to student consisting of one-to-one instruction, workshops or retreats by certified instructors, utilizing the teaching aids of books, booklets, tapes, videos, chi cards, posters, cosmic comics and Tao Garden facilities for your spiritual growth, self-realization and entertainment. As a gesture of good will Master Mantak Chia invites you to join him in the Universal Healing Tao practices at his beautiful training facilities and health resort, the Tao Garden in Northern Thailand, Southeast Asia at
IT Books & Downloads: Universal Healing Tao Formulas, Taoist ShamanPractice Summaries & Downloads:
UHT Instructor’s Handbook, Instructor’s Manual, Hundred-Day Program, and Universal Healing Tao PassportChi Cards:
Levels I, II, III, IV, V, & VI<%2ours; then take the chicken out. Which would you rather eat the chicken or the broth? The broth is what you would eat because the broth has all the essence of the chicken in it tasting like the chicken and the chicken would taste like rubber. Try it. The chicken is your genitals and you cook them with the Healing Love practices and draw its essence (broth) out of them up your spine into your brain for a Total Body Orgasm because the brain is connected to all the parts of your body. You lose none of your sexual fluids (Semen and Hormones), which you need daily to create every cell of body, and you will have a Total Body Orgasm instead of a genital orgasm (outside the body in men). These same formulas apply to women for the loss of sexual fluids during their menstrual cycle. You have the ability to completely experience your sexual energy and take it to new highs without loss any of your vital creative energy by cultivating it through the Universal Healing Tao Healing Love practices to heal yourself and your loved one. Through these practices you will learn and experience the ability to manage your sexual energy instead of it controlling you. In Single Cultivation as you slow down the sexual energy through the practices of Testicle and Ovarian Breathing, Scrotal and Ovarian Compression, Power Lock (Million Dollar Point Technique for male reverse ejaculation) and the Egg Exercise (Exercising the Vagina Canal for Urination and Sexual Fluid Control) you will discover how to manage your sexual energy. In Dual Cultivation you start to understand through the practices of the Orgasmic Big Draw, Total Body Orgasm and the Valley Orgasm (Shallow & Thrusting Techniques), and how to work together with your partner to heal yourselves and flow together in a harmonious, monogamous, long lasting relationship.
IT Books & Downloads: Healing Love, Sexual Reflexology, Taoist Foreplay and Multi-Orgasmic TeenPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Healing Love, Sexual Reflexology, Jade Egg Exercise, and Touch of SexChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (2, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
Love is the balance of Yin and Yang. You feel and experience the Void (Nothingness-the Wu Chi) where there is no duality just Oneness. You can experience this by yourself or with another when your Emotion Energy (Heart-Fire) and Sexual Energy (Kidney-Water) balance or compliment the other; you complete them and they complete you. The only way to express love is the time you share with another and it does not matter if it is positive or negative experience as long as you are there. The opposite of love is not hatred or cruelty these are only aspect of love; it is indifference – the lack of time you spend with the other or the time you spend thinking or feeling about the other. It is a feeling of no resistance or friction, where everything is balanced and whole in complete harmony with everything. There is no passed or future, just the present. This is the Tao and its Way. When you balance your internal energy through meditation practices you connect with the harmony of the Universe (Nature) – the Way.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
You express love with the time you spend with the other or anything. It could be your spiritual helpmate, the forest, the ocean, sports, your religion, or your family. It is all based on the time you are doing or being it; it is your love. The only asset we have on the Earth Plane is our time here and we are only person who can decide what to do with it, which is free will. It is our responsibility to use our time here to support our internal energy growth and be accountable for it to ourselves; because that is the only thing we take with us, our consciousness (Internal Energy Pattern). The Taoists say, “Your actions speak so loud, that I can hardly hear a word you are saying”. Many people say they love this or love that but watch what they do and the time they spend doing it and you will find their love.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Love comes from the balance in the Wu Chi (the Void-the Nothingness) and once you balance your internal energy through the Universal Healing Tao meditation practices love will come to us. And as you slow down your mind through meditation you can feel it stronger and stronger. It all starts with the Inner Smile meditation, which is the first step in the Inner Alchemy (changing one substance into another) meditation practices. In this meditation you start a relationship with your biological self, and as you smile to each vital organ and they smile back you learn how to generate your own love within giving you plenty to share with others are deserving and respectful of your sharing.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching, and Inner Smile Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao Chi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (1)
A spiritual helpmate is someone who has a compatible inner energy pattern (Cosmic Astrology) to yours and is willing to work with you to help you balance it and also allows you to help them with theirs. The Taoist feel the only reason we are here on Planet Earth is to balance our internal energy pattern, because the Earth pattern’s density is so strong that we can more effectively balance our internal pattern more so here than anywhere else in our galaxy. As each one of us balances our own patterns then everyone else will become balance once to hits critical mass and that is how we will help the whole of humankind.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching, and Cosmic Astrology Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao Chi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (12)
Through the Reflexology Points on the body you can activate your Sexual Energy for the women by massaging the Breast and Ovarian Areas and the men by massaging the Lower Tan Tien and the Testicles. The orgasmic energy is activated in the Non-Arousal State, which you can utilize easier than in the aroused state to manage and cultivate your Sexual Energy to heal your body. In Single Cultivation Sexual Palace Warm Ups women can lessen their menstrual discharge, the length of their cycle and the frequency of their menstrual cycle from once a month to once a year. For the men they can activate their Un-Aroused Orgasmic Energy and move this slower Sexual Energy up their spine so they manage easier. The Sexual Warm Ups get the students in touch literally with their Sexual Energy in the first step to draw it up into the spine and the crown and start the whole progress of cultivating their Sexual Energy for a practical and enjoyable way of managing it. As the Taoist say, keep your gun loaded but the powder dry, which means managing the Sexual Energy so you do not lose this Vital Creative Energy (Fluids) and still enjoy the complete sexual experience.
IT Books & Downloads: Healing Love, Sexual Reflexology, and Multi-Orgasmic TeenPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Healing Love, Sexual ReflexologyChi Cards:
Level I – CC1 (2)
When someone becomes angry what do they do with the anger? They dump it on someone else and the other person does the same. The Taoist says why don’t we transform this negative energy instead of giving it away and use it to balance and heal our bodies. Positive and negative energy are still energy so why not use it by first transforming it internally and then transforming any other energy around us. To do this we need to set up an energetic composting machine to daily transform it. By using the Fusion I formulas we can build this compost machine with the Six Pakuas (Eight Sided Geometric Vortex-Front & Back, Right & Left, and Top & Bottom) internally then forming a Pearl (Metallic Energetic Ball) with the excess internal energy (Climate, Sense and Negative Emotional Energy) in the body to open the thirty-two energy channels in and outside the body. Then we can start building an energetic protection field around the body with the Advanced Fusion Formulas (Protective Animals, Energy Body and Planet Forces) and further strengthen this Protection Field with the Chanting of the Eight Forces, Facial Pakua and Heart Chi Kung techniques. Through the Sun and Moon Chi Kung Techniques we can learn to absorb the sun and moon energy directly with the Yang (Positive) and Yin (Negative) Forces of the universal, which opens up the Yang (Governing) and Yin (Functional) Channels of the body. We are establishing an Energetic Transformation Machine and Protection Field to balance, transform and heal our bodies internally and externally through a daily meditation practice. Once this vortex is in place the transformation will automatically happen when you encounter any imbalanced energy internally and externally and by your daily practice it will maintain its function.
IT Books & Downloads: Fusion of the Five ElementsPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Fusion of the Five ElementsChi Cards:
Level II – CC2 (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
After setting up the Energetic Composting Machine and building the Pearl in Fusion I you need to open up channels of the body with Cosmic Fusion (Fusion II) to balance and heal the body. Through the transformation of the internal climate, excess sense energy and negative emotions you need to build the Positive Compassionate Golden Energy (Gentleness/Blue, Kindness/Green, Joy/Red, Fairness/Yellow & Courage/White). Send it through the body by opening up the Creative Cycle (Channel), Thrusting Channels (Left, Center & Right) and Belt Channels (Connecting Heaven & Earth), which are the Basic Fusion II formulas. Through the Advanced Fusion II meditative practices you move the Compassion Pill through the Functional, Governing, Creative, Thrusting and Belt Channels of the Energy and Spirit Bodies. These extend from the Physical Body (As Below So Above)
I T Books & Downloads: Universal Healing Tao Formulas
This is the final section of the Fusion Practice (Fusion III) with Eight Basic formulas (Great Regulator & Bridge Channels, Spinal Cord Cutting, Spinal Cord Microcosmic, Mideyebrow Aura Cutting, Crown Drilling, Five Sense Cutting & Sealing, Heart Center Cutting (Butterfly Motion), & Aura Sealing) and Advanced Fusion III moving all the Basic Fusion Formulas into the Energy and Spirit Bodies. This is a continuation of opening the channels from Fusion II into the Eight Psychic Channels of Fusion III. By opening up the Eight Physic Channels your energy will flow effortlessly through the body for balancing, healing and cultivating your internal energy. The Eight Psychic Channels start opening up the meridians lines of body with Yang & Yin Sides of the Regulator and Bridge Channels then opening up the spine front to back, up & down and right to left with Spinal Cord Cutting, Microcosmic and Aura formulas. Once these formulas are completed you move to open up the Crown, Five Senses & Heart with drilling and cutting techniques then sealing any energy leaks and protecting the body with the Final Fusion Formula, Sealing the Aura. With the final Fusion formulas you are completing the Fusion practice building the Compost Machine and Pearl with excess Climate, Sense & Negative Emotional Energy (Fusion I) then running the Pearl through the Functional, Governing, Creative, Thrusting & Belt Channels (Fusion II) and final through the Eight Psychic Channels (Fusion III) and Advanced Fusion (I, II, III) into the Energy and Spirit Bodies. Through transforming your internal energy and clearing and opening your channels you are beginning to create your energetic Spaceship for your journey into the Unknown beyond the North Star.
IT Books & Downloads: Fusion of the Eight Psychic ChannelsPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Fusion of the Eight Psychic ChannelsChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
The universe has abundant energy to enhance and multiply the enjoyment of our lives. All that we need to do is to be connected to the source. It helps to understand the principle of fusing the Three Minds. Western science now knows there are Three Minds. The First Mind is in the Observing Mind centered in the Brain. The Second Mind is called the Conscious Mind centered in the Heart. The third is the Mind of Awareness centered in the Lower Abdomen (Abdominal Brain). The Three Minds combine to fuse together in the abdomen, creating One Mind. In Chinese this One Mind is called Yi. The World Link of Protection Healing Meditation is a spiritual practice that takes around 15 to 30 minutes. When people from all around the world link together at the same time they are greatly empowered. It can be practiced easily with the Universal Healing Tao formulas (Three Minds into One, Circle of Fire, Protective Animals & Peaceful Affirmations) then connecting the Yi Power to your Personal Star then to others’ Personal Stars connecting above to the Three Colors (Forest Green, Ocean/Ski Blue & Violet Red) into the emptiness of the universe. Once you synchronize and link the times (Thailand 12:00pm; New York 12:00am & Europe 6:00am) you find your time zone, which could be one hour before or after these morning & evening times and start the practice. This creates a united world for manifestation of personal and collective physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual images and healing on a global basis with answers and solutions to any questions you might have just by collectively projecting into empty space.
IT Books & Downloads: Healing Energy of Shared ConsciencePractice Summaries & Downloads:
World LinkChi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (20)
This is Tai Chi Chi Kung form not Tai Chi that is just a form of movement. The added Chi Kung means working the internal energy as you are moving in the form implementing the Iron Shirt I (Structural Alignment and Rooting to the Earth Force and being pulled by the Heaven Forces) and Iron Shirt II (Whip Movement, Chi Pressure and Tendon Power). This is a simple Yang Style Form with Thirteen Movements in Four Directions starting in the North moving counterclockwise 360 degrees then back clockwise 360 degrees to the original position. Once you learn the form, which is the ten thousand practice rule (You do it 10,000 times) you know it completely activating your molecular memory. Then you do not know if you did it or if you did not do it because it has become a meditation and has become a part of you. You have built up a complete defense system energetically through its practice with the postures and strikes (Ward Off, Rollback, Press, Push, Single Whip and Single Hand Push) with your muscle memory. Through your daily practice you have incorporated the form into your energy body and when you leave the physical body (Ascension) you take the form (Postures and Strikes) with you to the next plane. You have formed your Energetic Yang Body (Dense Spaceship) to travel in the realms of Infinity as opposed to a Yin Body (Astral Travel). It is like a baby (Yin Body) going into the jungle (Infinite Space) or a Yang Body (Armored Tank) going into the jungle. There are big tigers in the jungle; so would you rather be a baby or a tank in the jungle? Every time you do your practice (Fusion/Spinning Pakuas & Tai Chi/Strikes) you are building your energetic tank and its energetic defense system for safe travel into the great beyond.
IT Books & Downloads: Inner Structure of Tai ChiPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Tai Chi Chi Kung IChi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
This is Tai Chi Chi Kung II Discharge Form of the Universal Healing Tao with its formulas (Step Back, Ward Off, Roll Back, Press, Push, Single Whip, Lady Shuttle & Sink Back) moving from Left to Right. This is a simple Yang Style Form with Thirteen Movements (the eight gates and five positions) in Four Directions starting in the North, moving counterclockwise 360 degrees then back clockwise 360 degrees. This form facilitates and promotes the use of discharge power pronounced in Chinese as Fa Jing. It also covers the use of the eight variations of discharge power known as the Ba Fa Jing. These are explored in the context of push hands (Tui Shou). Through the Tai Chi II form you learn how the discharge power is revealed through the practice of the discharge form and technical exercises. The principles are revealed using a tripartite approach based on the foundation of the Universal Healing Tao System through the Iron Shirt Chi Kung I & II and Tai Chi Chi Kung I practices. By doing your daily Tai Chi II practice you are imprinting the form into your energy body and when you leave the body (Ascension) you take the form and its movements with you to the next level of existence. You are forming your Energetic Yang Body (Dense Spaceship) to travel in the realms of Infinity as opposed to a Yin Body (Astral Travel). You will get a clear understanding from an historical overview of the discharge power within the lineage of internal martial arts. All Tai Chi practitioners will learn how to harness the martial art power but also as the classics reveal, learning the Jing that will assist every student in both their spiritual and healing journey.
IT Books & Downloads: Tai Chi Fa Jin Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Tai Chi Chi Kung IIChi Cards:
Level V – CC5 (17, 18, 19, 20)
This is Tai Chi Chi Kung III Tendon Form of the Universal Healing Tao with its formulas (Lean Back, Ward Off, Roll Back, Press, Push, Single Whip, Grasping the Bird’s Tail, Sink Back, Flying Oblique, Left Hand & Step Forward White Crane spreads its Wings and Brush Knee) moving from Left to Right. This is a simple Wu Style Form with Thirteen Movements (the eight gates and five positions) in Eight Directions starting in the North moving counterclockwise 360 degrees then back clockwise 360 degrees. This Short Wu Tai Chi Kung set highlights some of the essential forms taken from the Long Wu Form. The sequence is divided into 3 parts and each part performed in 3 different directions. There are multiple levels of progression with such a sequence. The beginner learns the sequence initially through the intellectual mind and gradually embodies the principles of integrating the form with the Tan Tien Chi Kung, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I & II posturing, breath, martial applications and spirit. Once you learn the form, you will know it completely activating your molecular memory. Then you do not know if you did it or if you did not do it because it has become a meditation and has become a part of you. The Tai Chi forms through your daily practice enforce their movements in your energy body and that is the body that you leave with to the next realm with all its postures and strikes. Again you are your Energetic Yang Body (Dense Spaceship) to travel in the realms of Infinity as opposed to a Yin Body (Astral Travel). You will learn anatomical and geographical placement of the body for the form with structure and Chi movements opening up your tendons and expanding your body strength with the spirit aspects of the form. Unlike the Yang Form, the Wu Style is characteristically performed in a small frame in a high stance, which with this short sequence will satisfy your engagement with the Wu Style. Every time you do your practices (Fusion/Spinning Pakuas & Tai Chi/Strikes) you are building your energetic tank for safe travel into the great beyond.
IT Books & Downloads: Tai Chi Chi Kung Wu StylePractice Summaries & Downloads:
Tai Chi Chi Kung IIIChi Cards:
Level VI – CC6 (17, 18, 19, 20)
This is the Universal Healing Tao Tao Yin practice for growing the tendons in the body with breathing techniques (Poetry in Motion) in Tao Yin postures as opposed to stretching the tendons as in yoga for flexibility. By growing the tendons you give the body the space to move while building and strengthening the tendons instead of stretching the tendons out creating a situation where the body could lose it’s strength and power. You might gain flexibility but you could become too loose and lose your structure, support and intensity, which are vital for your health and longevity. With the Tao Yin breathing techniques you are initially directing the energy (Dark Energy Out – Bright Energy In) to various areas (Abdomen (Upper & Lower), Groin, Sacrum, Chi Belt, Kidneys, Diaphragm, Lungs (Lower & Upper), Scapula, Neck, Temple, Crown & Whole Body) of the body in a laying down posture to start the tendon growing process. Then you go through a series of postures (Knee to Chest, Knees to Chest, Elbows Outward, Bridge to C7, Bridge to Crown, Bow, Tiger Stretch, Rise Spine to T4, Peacock’s Tail, Heel to Groin, Bamboo Swinging Wind, Cross Legs, Palms over Head, Shooting the Arrow, Cobra & Bouncing Knees) focusing on the psoas and sphincter muscles and joint tendons growing them with each breath. You move through each posture breathing out the dark energy and breathing in the bright energy as you gently lower, raise, twist and turn each vertebra of the spine opening the joints. By focusing the breath on each tendon of the joints through the postures you begin to grow the tendons with a subtle healing energy using your Yi, the Mind-Eye-Heart Power. As the tendons subtly and gently grow, your body gradually opens up but this goes beyond flexibility as your body becomes buoyant with effortless movement because your tendons are stronger, detoxified, healthier and firmer without any stress or effort by you as you simply breathe in and breathe out directing the energy.
IT Books & Downloads: Energy Balance through the TaoPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Tao YinChi Cards:
Level V – CC4 (1, 2, 3)
In the forest, leaves of the tree branches fall in the river clogging it up on the bends of the river. When they stop the flow of the river stagnation sets up in the river and a new organism forms called a swamp. The same happens in our body with the energy channels (rivers) of our body. They become blocked with debris (toxins) and form a new organism called cancer when stagnation happens. The Chi Nei Tsang formulas are hands on applications to manually remove any branches (debris) from your energy rivers (energy channels, lines and meridians). Through the Chi Nei Tsang Internal Organ Massage techniques (Healing Hands Meditation, Fanning, Venting, Flushing, Opening and Chasing the Wind Gates and Winds) the practitioner activates and opens the body channels and energy lines releasing the Sick Energy and Winds. The Chi Nei Tsang formulas (Navel Diagnosis & Release, Skin & Intestines Detoxify, Organ (Diaphragm, Lungs, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Heart, Kidneys, Lymph System, Psoas Muscle, Nerves, Ovaries and Prostate) detoxify the whole body removing the branches (blockages) one at a time over a period of time depending on the extent of the stagnation. Common aliments (Headaches, Leg Pain (Sciatic Nerve) and Pulse Balancing) are also healed by these formulas and healing is further attained by the Tree Chi Kung formulas (Tree Palming on Yin & Yang Sides) using nature’s Immortal Healers. You will learn how to diagnosis your body and its toxic levels and obstructions and stress from the inside out through the assistance of the CNT practitioner with periodic sessions and how to maintain your body’s balance with your daily hands on practice. This is a safe, practical way to connect physically with and balance your body on a daily basis using these simple healing hands on techniques to open up, release and detoxify your body for health and longevity.
IT Books & Downloads: Chi Nei TsangPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Chi Nei TsangChi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13, 14)
Advanced Chi Nei Tsang is the second level of the Chi Nei Tsang practices utilizing hand and pressure point techniques to open up and flush out the Twelve Winds (Liver-Pericardium-Heart, Tongue-Jaw-Eyes-Head, Kidneys, Vena-Aorta-Lumbar, Abdominal, Muscle Cramps, Heart Attacks, Chest Attacks, Legs-Feet, Pain-Numbness-Heat, Nerves-Back and Heat/Cold Attacks) of the body. The Advanced Chi Nei Tsang (CNT II) formulas also use hand techniques on Specific Ailments (Heart Attacks (Life & Death Point), Heart-Kidney-Breast Blockages, Anger-Arthritis Stress, Constipation & Hiatal Hernias) for releasing any blockage or tension, which could cause severe or fatal damage. The Emotions and Winds accumulate in the abdominal and navel area of the body and CNT II teaches you how to release the Bad Winds and sweep them out to reestablish a healthy flow (Good Winds) of vital energy. This gives you a new approach to heal by understanding the origin of the Winds and the problems they create in the body, and then health can be restored. This restoration of balance and circulation occurs through proper use of CNT II techniques to chase and release the trapped winds. Chi Nei Tsang II will guide you deeper into the rib cage, abdomen and Navel Center teaching how to use the elbow and knuckle techniques releasing negative emotions, stress, tension, and sickness accumulated. When this occurs, all vital functions stagnate. Using CNT II techniques in and around the area of the navel provides the fastest method of healing and the most permanent results. The CNT II techniques can be applied to the abdominal center where the Universal, Cosmic Particle, and Earth Forces are combined and stored.
IT Books & Downloads: Advanced Chi Nei TsangPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Chi Nei Tsang IIChi Cards:
Level V – CC5 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
Karsai Nei Tsang is the third level of the Chi Nei Tsang practices of the Universal Healing Tao which is the genital massage to release and lift any blockages, tangles and knots in the urogenital area with its hand techniques (Opening Abdomen, Navel Area & Sexual Palace, Releasing Aorta & Interior Vena Cava, 4 Meridian Lines, Forearm Press from Anus to Sacrum, Inner Thighs, Psoas Muscle, Perineum, Genitals (Prostate & Uterus), Sciatic Nerve, Urogenital Diaphragm and Draining the Inguinal Lymph) for both men and women. The Karsai Nei Tsang formulas massage and spread the Sexual Energy, Buttocks, Genital Blood Supply, Ovaries & Fallopian Tubes, Testicle & Scrotal Sac & Veins Circulation, and Pelvic Ligaments and then apply Abdominal Herbal Packs for healing. Our sexual organs play a major role in our physical and emotional health. Many emotional traumas and stresses are stored in the pelvic region in the form of tension in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons and imbalances in the meridians and organs, resulting in an accumulation of toxins and energetic knots and tangles. Freeing the Jing Chi of the sexual organs (powerful source of healing energy) Karsai Nei Tsang helps to resolve physical and emotional blockages in the pelvic area through massage, meridian clearing, and detoxification. Karsai Nei Tsang has the complete Sexual Organ Massage applications for women and men with the underlying Chi Nei Tsang principles that show you how to release knots and tight muscles (including the hip, buttock, and thigh muscles), unravel nerve and lymphatic tangles, dissolve toxins and sediments, and increase blood flow to the pelvic area. This practice can be used to treat impotency, frequent & difficult urination, painful menstruation, ovarian cysts, menopause symptoms, painful intercourse, and low libido. It is effective in alleviating back pain & sciatica, improving the body’s alignment, strengthening the pelvic floor, balancing the hormones, and increasing general vitality.
IT Books & Downloads: Karsai Nei TsangPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Karsai Nei TsangChi Cards:
Level VI – CC6 (9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16)
The formulas of Elixir Chi Kung consist of Twelve Practices (Dragon Gazes at a Pearl, Looking Back at the Moon, Wai T’o Offering Rod, Giant Raises Tower, Iron Bridge Swallow, Shaking Head, Wagging Tail, Pulling the Silk (Swing Leg), Gathering the Golden Earth Pill, Tiger Out of the Cage, Iron Buffalo Plows the Land & Fair Lady Jumps) that activate the fountain or water of life. Without obtaining and maintaining the proper amount of the combination of saliva, hormonal fluids and external essences in the body we would terminate and never experience the Elixir of Immortality. Taoists have long considered Saliva as a key component for optimal health. And they recommend swallowing the saliva up to 1,000 times a day to promote physical healing. Thousands of years ago Taoists became aware of changes in the taste and consistency of saliva that accompanied meditative practices. They learned that combining saliva with the hormonal fluids and essences released during sexual activities forms a powerful elixir. Taoists believe that this Golden Elixir is not only a physical healing agent, but also is a major transformative agent in preparing for higher spiritual (energy) work. Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva. Ten of these involve gathering energy and forces through the body’s hair, which acts as a negative energy filter and can also be used to store surplus positive energy. Taoists regard the hair as antennae extending out into nature and the universe. By utilizing these practices you can develop self-healing abilities that revitalize organs and promote longevity and spiritual vitality.
IT Books & Downloads: Golden Elixir Chi KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Elixir Chi Kung, Laughing Chi KungChi Cards:
Level V – CC5 (12, 13,14, 15, 16)
With the Tan Tien Chi Kung formulas of the Universal Healing Tao you are activating the Chi (Air) Pressure in your Lower Tan Tien (Original Chi Area) with the Empty Force (Exhaling all Air out of the Body) and Perineum Power (Anus Area) of the Dragon (Inhale: High-Pitched Hummmm Sound) and Tiger (Exhale: Low-Pitched, Growling Hummmm Sound) Breaths in the Eleven Animal Postures (Rabbit, Crane, Bear, Swallow, Dragon, Eagle, Monkey, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Horse & Bull). By activating the Empty Force and Perineum Power with the Dragon and Tiger Breaths you are creating Chi Pressure in the body. When we get older we lose air pressure and we slowly deflate just as a tire loses air on your car. As you see very old people they look like a deflated balloon all crippled over with no bounce or buoyancy. The years of wear and tear and gravity on the body cause leakages in the body and we slowly lose our air pressure which gives our bodies form, structure and constitution that we need for our vitality and bounce to live our lives with zest and joy. By doing the Tan Tien Chi Kung formulas we build and maintain the air pressure in our bodies on a daily basis with the Empty Force and Perineum Power techniques while sealing and healing any leaks and openings of our bodies with Eleven Animal Postures’ movements and intentions to restructure and fortify our bodies for the maintenance of our health and longevity with joy and vitality.
IT Books & Downloads: Tan Tien Chi KungPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Tan Tien Chi KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (4, 5, 6)
In Cosmic Nutrition the student will discover the Cosmic Dust Particles that give life to all living beings every morning (sunrise) and evening at dusk (sunset). This stardust is the Life Force of the universe discovered by western science in 1866 as miroznias (living ferments), which further confirms the Taoist’s understandings for the last five thousand years through the Creative and Controlling Cycles. The student will discover the Yin/Yang principles, Self-Diagnosis, the Physician Within, Acid/Alkaline Balance, Nature’s Elements and Five Element Nutrition for health and longevity based on fifty years of research, experiences and the joy of eating.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Nutrition
When you take your first breath you breathe in an Internal Energy Pattern of the universe from the Five Earthly Elements (Oceans/Water, Trees/Wood, Sun/Fire, Soil/Earth & Mountain/Metal) and Planets (Mercury/Blue, Jupiter/Green, Mars/Red, Saturn/Yellow & Venus/White) at that particular moment in time and space. This gives you your Physical Internal Energy Pattern related to your Five Vital Organs (Kidneys, Liver, Heart, Spleen/Pancreas & Lungs) for your life’s journey on earth with all of its strengths and weaknesses. Without the knowledge of your Internal Energy Pattern how are you ever going to balance and transform it unless you know what to transform for your Inner Alchemy process. Through the Cosmic Astrology formulas and charts of the Twelve Chinese Animals (Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog & Boar) and the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth) you will be able to find your Animal sign and element for your year, month and time. This will give the first part of your Internal Energy Pattern and from there you can start to build your understanding of that pattern to create your own persona based on the Cosmos (Stars). Through the book you can build this understanding further from five different perceptions (Western Astrology, Sun & Moons, Chinese/Western Combinations & Birth Day Cards) and the Earthly Branches, Day, Chinese Triad and Secret Allies giving you a complete picture of yourself to balance and transformation yourself through the Inner Alchemy practices. With clearer understanding of your persona (cosmic energy patterns which determine your personality) you will discover how you think, react, perceive and relate to everything and everyone in the universe and how they think, react, perceive and relate to you by simply studying the stars from the charts provided in the book. These understandings have been calculated, charted, tested and evaluated for centuries and now you have them for your Inner Alchemy practices.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Astrology, Inner Alchemy AstrologyChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (12)
When you take your first breath you breathe in an Internal Energy Pattern of the universe from the Five Earthly Elements (Oceans/Water, Trees/Wood, Sun/Fire, Soil/Earth & Mountain/Metal) and Planets (Mercury/Blue, Jupiter/Green, Mars/Red, Saturn/Yellow & Venus/White) at that particular moment in time and space. This gives you your Physical Internal Energy Pattern related to your Five Vital Organs (Kidneys, Liver, Heart, Spleen/Pancreas & Lungs) for your life’s journey on earth with all of its strengths and weaknesses. Without the knowledge of your Internal Energy Pattern how are you ever going to balance and transform it unless you know what to transform for your Inner Alchemy process? Through the Cosmic Astrology formulas and charts of the Twelve Chinese Animals (Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog & Boar) and the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth) you will be able to find your Animal sign and element for your year, month and time. This will give the first part of your Internal Energy Pattern and from there you can start to build your understanding of that pattern to create your own persona based on the Cosmos (Stars). You can build this understanding further from five different perceptions (Western Astrology, Sun & Moons, Chinese/Western Combinations & Birth Day Cards) and the Earthly Branches, Day, Chinese Triad and Secret Allies giving you a complete picture of yourself to balance and transform yourself through the Inner Alchemy practices. With a clearer understanding of your persona (cosmic energy patterns which determine your personality) you will discover how you think, react, perceive and relate to everything and everyone in the universe and how they think, react, perceive and relate to you by simply studying the stars from the charts. These understandings have been calculated, charted, tested and evaluated for centuries and now you can have them for your Inner Alchemy practices.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Detox, Prostate Chi Kung, and Uterus Chi KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (9, 10, 11)
Dis-ease is exactly what the word means. Dis means disorder and ease means harmony and balance. So disease is disorder in normally a harmonious situation. When the blood becomes imbalanced either being too acidic (negative charge) or alkaline (positive charge) a disease is created in the body caused by improper diet, lifestyle, exercise and the artificial environments we choose to live in the Twenty-First Century. Once harmony is reestablished in the blood there is no more disharmony or disease. It is a delicate balance of yin and yang in our blood but you control it by what you put in your month, how you chew it, where you live and how you live. It is that simple and that is the Tao. Now, when the disease is not balanced through proper diet and lifestyle over a long period of time (Degenerative Disease) then through the blood, which moves throughout the body, it will start the destructive cycle (dust to dust) in a weak part of the body that does not have the strong creative cycle working and it will manifest. To feed this manifest the destructive cycle will use the remaining health cells to support it until it over takes the whole body in the death of the physical body. This is all reversible with proper diet, lifestyle, exercise and natural environments to a certain to point where the cell still has elasticity (Bounce) like a tire on a car but when the tire goes flat there is no going back. There is no mystery here it is all diet and lifestyle and your ignorance or stupidity is no excuse. Whatever you want in life it is seeking you so sit still (meditation) and when it comes join and follow with it; because if you are chasing after it, it has no chance to catch up with you.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Detox, Prostate Chi Kung, and Uterus Chi KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (9, 10, 11)
You look outside and see the river flowing. Any questions you have about the Tao; just look outside and all the answers are there. Now, the river has a lot of turns and bends in it. And leaves and debris from the banks fall in the river and many times stop the flow of the river with all its bends and turns. When the stagnation takes place from these blockages in certain areas of the river another organism starts to form, which is called a swamp. This swamp can over take the river unless you remove the debris. Now this is the same thing that happens in the body with rivers of the body through the blood and its arteries. The debris builds up in the blood from the acid and alkaline imbalance caused by improper diet and lifestyle plus all the bends and turns of the arteries causes stagnation that is why you have to move the body (Exercise). When stagnation starts then another organism is started like a swamp in the forest but in the body western medicine calls it a cancer. This cancer is caused in the body from the blood and its imbalanced pH factor (acid and alkaline balance), which is the root of the cancer and the only solution to the cancer. Western medicine is excellent for emergencies or accidents when you are in a critical life and death situation, but in a degenerative disease (a disease over a long period of time) they do not know how the body works with its rivers and debris; instead they opted to poison and dismember the body causing discomfort, pain and ultimately death with no way to regain your balance again. As everyone will tell the side effects of western medicine will kill you if the disease does not. The poisons western medicine uses are chemical synthesized pharmaceutical drugs created from residue of the oil refining process which created the whole pharmaceutical industry over a hundred years ago by John D. Rockefeller. The only reason there is some elimination of diseased cells from taking these drugs is the body is trying to get rid of the poisons (chemical synthesized pharmaceutical drugs). This is just the body reaction to get rid of these poisons that are killing you after taking them. Now if this was not bad enough, western medicine has another solution. If you do not want cancer of the breast just cut off the breast. No cancer of the breast now because there is no more breast or prostate gland or any other part of your body; but that does not solve the problem because the problem is in your imbalanced blood not the body part, that is just the weak area where the blockage manifests and this is why the cancer reappears periodically in the body; because the imbalance is in the blood and the blood goes everywhere in the body. No mystery here, just simple logic. Now why do people let western medicine do these insane acts for the degenerative disease that their body is dying of after their improper diet and lifestyle caused them? Long term calculated promotion based on fear. When you in dire situations your emotions take over and you are at the mercy of all your fears where logic has no power over you.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Detox, Prostate Chi Kung, and Uterus Chi KungChi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (9, 10, 11)
All fear is, is lack of knowledge. Once you have the knowledge there is nothing to fear, because you know what is going to happen. Then you have a conscious choice whether to accept it or change it. When you slow down the mind (meditation) everything becomes clear to you and the knowledge you need for that situation will come to you. An example of this is all our greatest fears, which is death, again is just a lack of knowledge of what death really is. When I left my physical body consciously in mediation while in a group meditation with Master Chia in summer of 1987, it was so real that it scared the hell out of me so I jumped right back in my body. I just died (left the body) but I (my consciousness) did not die and that is actually what happens when you die. So that is what the Taoist says, “When you consciously leave the body, death has no longer any sting on you.” Fear is an emotion, which is actually the expression of the kidneys as is sadness an expression of the lungs, anger an expression of the liver, indifference an expression of the heart, and worry an expression of the spleen. Emotions are an imbalance of one of the five vital organs, and they are imbalanced either positively or negatively but western psychology tries to balance the emotion (the stem) when they should be try to balance the vital organ, the root of the imbalance which is what the Taoist meditation practices do.
IT Books & Downloads: Cosmic Detox, Prostate Chi Kung, and Uterus Chi Kung Chi Cards:
Level IV – CC4 (9, 10, 11)
Ignorance is the lack of knowledge or awareness in any decision-making situation. Stupidity is having the knowledge or awareness in any decision-making situation but goes against logic and the correct decision. Many of us are unaware of the information needed to make the correct decision but many of us are and still make the wrong decision. This is stupidity and we all do it either from our unconscious conditions or being swayed by others. These are all our choices and we should be honest with ourselves and do what is best for us or we keep coming back to same situation until we make the correct decision.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Death in the human experience is when our physical body can no longer support our consciousness (Light Body) through an accident, shock, or degenerative disease; then our consciousness leaves the physical body. Our consciousness gives our bodies life and without it the body cannot live. So, we do not die, only our physical body dies. We are energy and you cannot destroy energy you can only transform it. As you have gotten older have you ever had the feeling that what you feel inside you has never changed and only our physical body has changed with age. How it looks, how it moves or how it feels but it is different. What you feel inside is you and that has never changed and will never change because it is Divine. This is the Taoist earth’s journey of self-discovery of who we are and where we are going. You will discover that you are Divine and you are going back to Divinity but you have to do it for yourself, I cannot do it for you neither can Master Chia only you can because you are the only one who can feel it inside of you. The Universal Healing Tao practices of Inner Alchemy are all about the preparation for our physical death and its conscious journey back to the Wu Chi (The Void) either going beyond the North Star or regrouping for the next journey back on the Earth Plane.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Ego is a thought projection of the separation from the whole of the universe, which is a complete illusion of what really is. We are all united, connected and supported as One or we would not exist; but we experience space and time here on Earth through our ego. We become lost with our ego’s projections, insights, and perceptions based on our five senses that entrap us in time and space especially when time and space are also an illusion but so convincing to our ego. We actually live in a molecule sea that moves in patterns that repeat. It is our matrix and the only way to see it is slow down the mind (ego) through meditation. Sit still and focus within for all the answers of the universe are within. The Taoist call the ego, the “Monkey Mind”; it gets us into a lot of mischief because it has no idea what is it is doing only reacting never making conscious actions. It is like a car that we are driving. Who is driving the car you or the car? The car cannot be driving itself because it does not know where to go; only you know where you want to go. The car is a tool just like the Monkey Mind your ego, but you have to learn how to drive it like the car or you will not go anywhere. Many systems want to destroy the ego, which only leads to rebellion or suppression but not evolution. The Tao embraces everything and the Taoist learns how to work with the Monkey Mind as tool of observation and its ability to focus on what needs to done. The decision of what to do with the observation comes from another mind, the Conscious (Middle) Mind of Universal Knowledge at the Heart Center. When you slow down the ego mind in meditation by giving it many things to do like tracing the Energy Channels and Lines of the body it goes blank moving from yang to yin then you start to have a relationship and communicate with the Wu Chi (Universal Knowledge) at the heart center. After practicing this for many years this Conscious Mind will direct you in life non-verbally with a feeling. You have to make a decision in life and you do not know what to do but you do something. It turns out to be correct and a few days later someone ask you why you did it that way and you tell them it just felt right. Well, the feeling right came from your daily relationship with the internal non-verbal voice from within. It is knowing without knowing because monkey mind can only see one thing or aspect at a time which is fine to observe but to think for conscious choices you need to see many things at the same time and that is what the Conscious Mind can do.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Freedom is the right to become without infringing or hindering anyone else’s right to become. Everyone has a right to be; that is our free will, which is our Divinity. With Freedom we take on great responsibilities for ourselves and our actions. The greatest freedom is discipline. In order to accomplish everything in life you need to focus and discipline yourself to achieve it and without discipline it will never happen. The Tao with its practices teaches you spiritual independence, which is not to be depend on anyone else, or thing for your existence and evolution. It takes great courage to be free and to experience consciously your freedom being divine. You let go of all your conditioning, institutionalization and physical limitation to be free and self-sufficient. While maintaining interdependence and connecting consciously with the universe but still be the center of your universe being supported by the Whole.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
Truth is your own reality. It is what you perceive that resonates deep within you to be the truth for you. It is your truth that applies to you not necessarily to anyone else but we are so good at manifesting our truths and they resonate so deeply within us that we think they are for everyone or apply to everyone else. That is the problem that leads to conflict or wars with others. Plus, the factor your truth today have maybe not be applicable on a future date because everything around us is changing and is subject to change so what applies for today may not apply in the future. That is the truth.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We are all Divine but very few of us are totally conscious of it. The more you cultivate your internal being through meditations the more conscious of this Divinity you become. This means that we are what others call literally God but it is really our collective conscious, which we are part of and at one with, that collective consciousness others call God. Divinity is Godhood with ability of creating anything that we desire but everyone being God also has that same ability and that is where the problems come in. When anyone tries to impose their will on others because they are good at creating it they interfere with others right to become. From the human history we have learned that this Divine Thinking leads to humiliation, torture, crucifixion, and death, because it assaults other peoples belief systems that in their minds justifies their very existence without which they feel that they would no longer to exist.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
The four bodies are the physical body, emotional body, mental body and spirit body that are really one body with four different frequencies. Like a fan when it is still you can see the fan blades, when you turn the speed knob to low speed the blades start to disappear, then you turn the speed knob to medium speed you can hardy see the blades and finally you turn the speed knob to high speed and the blades disappear. Now are the blades still there? Yes, because the blades never went anywhere they just changed vibrations from idle (Physical Body) to low speed (Emotional Body), to medium speed (Mental Body) and high speed (Spirit Body). It is just one body with four different vibrations that are moving at the same time which is confusing to our one-dimensional monkey mind.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
If you use your Monkey Mind to think instead of just to observe or feel then you think as you read. It is called linear thinking and in English it is from left to right and in Spanish from right to left. This is fine but that is not everything in the universe. The universe is not only linear (horizontal), but also vertical (up and down) and omniscience (all around you). So to get the correct answer in any situation you need to think using all the information from all Six Directions by focusing in the Heart Center or you will never get the correct answer. This is not a flaw in your thinking only in your perception. As the Tao says, the West teaches you how to think with your mind and feel with your heart but in the Tao you learn just the opposite to feel (observe) with your mind and think with your heart. It is a complete reversal in perception, which takes many years to relearn through Taoist daily practices.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We are all Light Bodies. These bodies of light or consciousness are entrapped in the physical body. We are not human we are the Divine Lights of the universe. We are Children of the Stars that is to say the Cosmic Dust Particulars that come from the stars, which gives everything on this planet life.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We come from the Collective Consciousness that created the whole universe, as we know it. It was our Collective Thought projected into empty space (Big Bang Theory) that reflected back and manifested into time and space, as we perceive it now in the human form.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We came here by our own choice to experience time and space in the human form with this particular gender, DNA, culture, creed and age. We are here to gather experiences to discover ourselves and our own Divinity whether we are conscious of it or not.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We are all going back to the Wu Chi – the Nothingness that is where we came from and we are going to reunite back to ourselves. How we choose to get back is all up to us; it is our choice. As the Taoist would say, “Look in the forest and see the river. The river flows in one direction and you can either swim against the river or learn to flow with it. But no matter what you decide to do either swim against the river or flow with it; you are still going down the river”. Then the Taoist say, “If you are really smart you will put your feet up and enjoy the ride down the river of life.” And that is our journey.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We are all going down that river of life either swimming against the river or learning to flow down the river. It is the river of our life here on earth. The river is the flow of the universe inside us and it all leads back to the Wu Chi, which is our true self. So, we are going back to ourselves either consciously or unconsciously, but we are going definitely down that river. If we are really smart we will do nothing, allowing the Tao to move unobstructed by our ego interference physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching
Practice Summaries & Downloads: Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
We are going now whether we are conscious of it or not. We are all on the river of life and the key is to enjoy the ride, which is the only real choice we have. This is the understanding of the Tao, which is the effortless path, and by letting go of all our attachments especially mentally and emotionally we can flow with the river without any obstructions making our ride a joyous one.
IT Books & Downloads: Living in the Tao, Secrets of the Tao Te Ching Practice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Comics Universal Tao
After studying and working with the Universal Healing Tao books, I discovered a different way of approaching life. I was fascinated and intrigued by the books’ contents, which led me to Universal Healing Tao Workshops and finally meeting Master Mantak Chia. After meeting with Master Chia, I began my internal practice in the Universal Healing Tao System. Over the next 30 years I discovered many techniques, which have helped me in my Taoist practices, and Master Chia and I are ready to share them with you in a form that you can practice daily. First, I discovered the Universal Healing Tao System consists of many formulas, which have been handed down through the centuries in an instructor-student relationship. The ability of students to master these formulas gives them the opportunity to experience their own self-realization or enlightenment. Like my fellow students, I stumbled for years with these formulas from the books and through my perseverance came to develop originally, with Master Chia, condensed formulas to assist me in my practice. Instead of fumbling through the book through many pages, as I once did, you can now simply have a Chi formula available to help you complete the formula and proceed much more smoothly in your practice. In the Universal Healing Tao System, we are working with internal and external energy. The word in the Tao for energy is “Chi”, thus the Chi formulas are energy formulas. Through these formulas you will become aware of your own energy and the energy around you. After discovering your own energy, you can use these formulas to help purify, transform, regenerate, and transcend your energy, and further discover its relationship to the energy surrounding you. Initially the formulas were the size of playing cards, which were easy to read and could be easily carried anywhere you go. So you can practice anywhere and bring your Chi formulas. The front side of the card is the actual formula written down step by step, corresponding with the page numbers of each individual Inner Traditions book so you can refer back to the book for any clarity when needed. On the reverse side there are visual color illustrations of the formulas so you can follow them visually. This is a very unique and practical way of approaching and working with your practice, not only for beginners, but it is also as a teaching aid for certified instructors and practitioners. The Chi formulas will simplify your understanding and practice of the formulas. Now, these formulas have been reformatted into a book, so you will have available all the formulas in one book to give you references and guides for your Taoist practice. In book form, the Chi formulas are easier to read and follow, giving you an excellent reference point from each of your Inner Traditions Universal Healing Tao books for your Taoist understandings and practices.This is just the first half of the Universal Healing Tao System. Within the next eight years by 2020 the System should be completed in the written word with the completion of another twenty-one books (Cosmic Astrology, Cosmic Nutrition, Inner Alchemy Astrology, Chi Nei Ching, Greater Kan & LI, Multi Orgasmic Teen, Greatest Kan & Li, Sealing of the Five Senses, Stem Cell Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chi Kung Chen Style, Tai Chi Chi Kung Sun Style, Pakua Palm, Hsing I, Tai Chi Chi Kung Stick Style, Tai Chi Chi Kung Sword Style, Emerald River, Congress of Heaven & Earth, Reunion of Heaven & Man, Chi Formulas Book II, Christ’s Teachings within Tao & Ending into the Beginning). There will be another six levels moving completely into the Immortal Tao with a total of twelve levels covering all the future formulas as the future books are completed. The twelve levels will encompass the entire 500 plus formulas completing the Universal Healing Tao System, so you can ultimately become an Immortal. This is a whole process like building a house (Your Body as a Temple to do practices) with a solid foundation (Basic Formulas) and adding the wiring, plumbing, insulation, rooms, floors, siding and roof (Levels within the Healing Arts). Then, ultimately transforming this temple into a space ship (Immortal Tao) moving beyond the North Star into your own Immortality. This has never been done before in any written form because basically it was too much work. Traditionally for centuries, the teachings of the Tao were passed down by the spoken word from teacher (mountain sage) to student who was willing to venture into rural mountains of remote areas without any provisions or support taking years to find them. It has already taken over thirty years to complete the first section in written word of the system and over sixty years of research, conceptualization, cultivation, systemization, instruction and practice. It has only been able to happen through the dedication, enthusiasm, and perseverance of Master Chia to the Tao and his Master and by my gratitude, determination, tenacity and resolution for Master Chia and the Tao to get the task completed for all of humankind so they may have the opportunity for their own self-realization (Enlightenment and Immortality) because collectively we all need to achieve this realization to make the complete human transformation into our true divine being.
IT Books & Downloads: Universal Healing Tao Formulas Chi Cards:
Levels I, II, III, IV, V, & VI
To connect with the energy channels we need to open them up consciously in the body. Through the Universal Healing Tao techniques (Bone Marrow Washing, Earth & Heaven Channeling, Tiger Mouth and Open Index Finger) we activate these energy lines, channels and meridians opening up our body to our consciousness. These Cosmic Healing techniques will assist you in connecting with your vital organs consciously to grow and experience the internal energy while healing your body. Through the Cosmic Chi Kung formulas (Grabbing the Moon, Bridge & Regulator Channels, Yin (Functional) & Yang (Governing) Channels and Planets to Organs) you can activate the negative and positive channels in the body. Cosmic Chi Kung (formally known as Buddha Palm) utilizes hand energy line techniques that connect with our vital organs opening your body up to be healed by the Cosmos. With daily Taoist Cosmic Healing practice you will activate and open up the body’s channels to the Cosmic Forces of Heaven and Earth to cultivate them in your body. By growing this Cosmic Energy and incorporating the Elemental and Color Forces (Earth/Yellow, Fire/Red, Metal/White, Water/Blue and Wood/Green) internally you will set in motion the total body healing process for your health and longevity and healing others who are open to this energetic healing.
IT Books & Downloads: Taoist Cosmic HealingPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Healing I Chi Cards:
Level III – CC3 (1, 2, 3, 4)
Taoist Astral Healing is the second level of Cosmic Healing in the Universal Healing Tao Healing Arts connecting with the cosmos by creating vortexes in the human body with greater vortexes in the universe and drawing the cosmic healing energy to heal yourself and others. With the Taoist Astral Healing formulas and their Seven Meditations (Earth, Sun, & Moon Triangle, Strengthening Organs, Strengthening Energy Fields, Connecting to Galactic Forces, Balancing the Planet, Stellar & Mental Fields, Balancing Yin & Yang, & Yin Stage Awareness) we are connecting with Earth, Sun & Moon and the Crystal Room, Heart & Kidneys along with the Planets and the Vital Organs and Galaxy Six Direction Connection with the Five Palaces for Group and Individual healings. Through the Taoist Astral Healing formulas you maintain the healing energy fields with your Vital Organs (Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Heart and Spleen) and with the Planetary Healing Rays (Venus/White, Mercury/Blue, Jupiter/Green, Mars/Red & Saturn/Yellow) for healing and exchanging with Group Yin Stage Meditation connecting with Quasars and Black Holes. By utilizing the Eight Body (Spirit, Physical, Financial, Emotional, Knowledge, Heart, Aging, Wisdom) Manifestation Meditation you are reenacting the initial act of creation (Thought Affirmation) and compound it with your verbal command (Right Now) to Empty Space visualizing what you want and desire as the Mental Body controls the Emotional Body and the Emotional Body controls the Physical Body (Concept-Desire-Manifestation). Taoist Astral Healing provides a step-by-step program for refining the ability to cultivate, circulate, and retain Chi from the Stars and Planets. It offers advanced techniques for drawing down energies from the Stars and Planets in order to grow in awareness and to develop full soul potential. Harnessing these energies allows you to break through the cycles of attraction and addiction, promote longevity, and transform the physical and energy body into your Light Body in order to heal yourself and others as you discover your own Divinity.
IT Books & Downloads: Taoist Astral HealingPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Cosmic Healing II Chi Cards:
Level V – CC5 (1, 2, 3)
The Immortal Tao is the Highest Inner Alchemy Practice in the Universal Healing Tao System. This is the process of transforming the Physical Body into the Spirit Body. It is a steam process of transformation from the physical form into the spirit form. Once this is completed you can materialize and dematerialize at will, having the ability to travel beyond time and space moving beyond the North Star (Center of our Galaxy) and breaking the Karmic Wheel so you never have to come back into time and space. The Immortal practices are broken down into Two Levels. The First Level is the Kan & Li Meditations: the Kan & Li (Water & Fire) meditations of Lesser Kan & Li Enlightenment (Cauldron at the Navel), Greater Kan & Li Enlightenment (Cauldron at the Solar Plexus), and Greatest Kan & Li Enlightenment (Cauldron at the Heart). The Second Level is the Sealing of the Five Senses (Cauldron at the Crystal Room), Congress of Heaven and Earth, and the Reunion of Heaven and Man.
IT Books & Downloads: Inner Soul of the TaoPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Lesser Kan & Li, Greater Kan & Li, Greatest Kan & Li, Sealing of the 5 SensesChi Cards: Level VI – CC6 (1)
The Lesser Kan & Li is the first formula of six formulas (Two Levels) in the Immortal Tao which takes you to the highest level of the Inner Alchemy practices transforming one substance into another (Physical Body into the Spirit Body). The formulas of Lesser Kan & Li (Coupling (Reversing Hot & Cold Energies), Steaming (Five Vital Organs, Endocrine Glands, Spine, Lymph, Nerves and Twelve Channels), Body Pulsing, Inner Eye, Self-Intercourse, Supplementary Practices & Turning the Wheel) start with Kan (Life Essence-Lead-Water-Kidney/Sexual Energy) and Li (Spiritual Essence-Mercury-Fire-Heart/Compassionate Energy) in the Cauldron at the Navel to form the soul body. The practice of the Chinese formula Siaow Kan Li (Yin and Yang Mixed) uses darkness technology to literally steam the sexual energy (Jing) into life-force energy (Chi) by reversing the location of yin and yang power. This creates an internal energetic steaming machine, which is required for the final transformation of the Inner Alchemy practices. This inversion places the heat of the bodily fire from the heart center beneath the coolness of the bodily water generated by the sexual energy of the perineum, thereby activating the liberation of transformed sexual energy. Darkness technology has been a key element of this practice and of all Inner Alchemy traditions throughout the ages. A total darkness environment stimulates the pineal gland to release DMT into the brain. The darkness actualizes successively higher states of consciousness, correlating with the accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the brain. In the darkness, mind and soul begin to wander freely in the vast realms of psychic and spiritual experience. Death is no longer to be feared, because life beyond the physical body is known through direct experience of the Kan & Li formulas and once you leave the body consciously the Taoist say death no longer has any sting on you. The birth of the soul is not a metaphor. It is an actual process of converting energy into a subtle body (spaceship) to travel beyond time and space. Developing the soul body is the preparation for the growth of the immortal spirit body in the practice of the Greater Enlightenment of Kan and Li.IT Books & Downloads:
Inner Soul of the TaoPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Lesser Kan & LiChi Cards:
Level VI – CC6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
This gives a clear, detailed description of creating the Immortal Fetus and the Greater Enlightenment formulas as used by Taoist Hermits in the practice of the Immortal Inner Alchemy. The practices are designed to provide background information to the devoted meditation practitioner. The Kan and Li (Fire and Water) meditations are for advanced students seeking mystical enlightenment and Immortality. Like the students of the past, sincere progress involves engagement and the dialogue with the Classics. It both conceptualizes and bridges the gap between the Universal Healing Tao practices and the larger stage of Taoist alchemy both in terms of historical practice and with other contemporary styles. These formulas break down any physical barriers and make this mystical tradition available to all. There are copious drawings, illustrations, detailed explanations and Frequently Asked Questions. As well as the background and details on the formulas the Universal Healing Tao System gives you the history of Taoist practices and how they relate to the practice of Kan and Li and where devoted students can be advised on how to integrate these practices with everyday life.IT Books & Downloads:
Greater Kan & LiPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Greater Kan & Li
The essence of the Greatest Kan and Li practice is the establishment of the cauldron at the Heart Center, and refinement of the soul and spirit. The practitioner learns the foundation procedures leading to coupling at the Heart Center; the activation of the Cranial and Sacral Pumps and the Alignment of the Three Triangle Forces. Coupling then leads to the birth of the Inner Child or Pill of Immortality and helps you to draw energy from the Cosmos, enabling you to “plug in” to a resource of limitless power. The formulas provide you a clear guide with copious drawings, illustrations, and detailed explanations on the background and details on the Immortal Tao practices. It includes a diet (Bi Gu) and herbs used in conjunction with the meditations. The Kan and Li meditations are for advanced students seeking mystical enlightenment or immortality. It both conceptualizes and bridges the gap between the Universal Healing Tao practices and the Taoist alchemy both in historical practice and other contemporary styles. The Kan and Li practices point to the Taoist road to spiritual immortality and Taoist Internal Alchemy. The Immortal Fetus is produced, nurtured and finally matures into a spirit body which unites one with the Tao. Master Mantak Chia is the first Taoist to introduce this spiritual discipline to the Western public, which was used by Taoist Hermits in the practice of Inner Alchemy.
IT Books & Downloads: Greatest Kan & LiPractice Summaries & Downloads:
Greatest Kan & Li
This practice starts the final level of the Immortal Tao Practices of the Universal Healing Tao System. You can divide your practice into several sections starting with the Three Levels of Kan & Li to set up the alignment of the body for the Opening of the Crystal Room in the Sealing of the Five Senses practices. Your training should be progressive; that is, once you have mastered one section, you can progress on to the next. Be sure to spend at least one or two weeks on each section, allowing enough time to thoroughly master each part before adding on the next section. The entire Sealing of the Five Senses practice is divided into Eight Formulas as follows: Strengthening the Senses, Activating Sun & Moon, Connecting Senses to Organs, Activating Thrusting Channels, Opening the Virtuous Animals, Clearing the Conception Vessel with the Three Tan Tiens, Clearing the Planets, Building the Aura and Connecting with the Big Dipper and North Star. Through the practices you will learn how to activate the Sealing of the Five Senses by spiraling, touching, coloring and small air sipping techniques. These practices are suited for both your home and a cave anywhere in the world. We are happy to welcome you to the Advanced Level of the Universal Healing Tao System and to join the Universal Healing Tao family as an Advanced Inner Alchemy practitioner.IT Books & Downloads:
Sealing of the Five Senses
Practice Summaries & Downloads: Sealing of the Five Senses