Golf Cards

golf_cards_coverI was an avid golfer learning the game of golf, and I found the two books “Five Lessons – The Modern Fundamentals of Golf” & “Power Golf” by Ben Hogan to be an integral part of my golf development and I enjoyed them immensely.

While playing on the golf course I would use theser books to help on my shots but this was very awkward to do, so I have developed golf cards using Ben Hogan’s principles to help me work on my game at the course or practice range. I believe these Golf Cards can be useful to every aspiring golfer, since they put the Ben Hogan Fundamentals of Golf at your finger tips. It ise a series of 18 cards with the 8 Fundamentals from grip to finish. The front side is a written explanation of a fundamental & the reverse side the visual illustration, all of this in playing size cards so the golfer can fit them in his shirt pocket.


Wei Tzu
The Myth That takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Download the Ben Hogan Golf Cards


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