My Worldly Influences

    Throughout my life I have been influenced as many people have by the medium and other people who have had a profound impact on their lives. After over sixty years of living I took time (two years) to categorize and analysis these influences from books, lectures, movies, television, music, sports, trips, quotes and directly with humankind that have formed my insight, perception, outlook and code of ethics.

   The path of the Tao is one of self-discovery and this analization was a key part of my Taoist practice and I am now sharing this with you with the trust that you might be inspired to do the same. If any of you have the opportunity and time please read through the analization of the influences on my life in the following 98 pages.

The Professor (Wei Tzu)
Master of Nothingness
The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism

Lists of Worldly Influences:

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